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Top masseuse
Iveta is fine yogi, biker, vixen, and a passionate traveller, playful child as well a mature woman. This diversity is also reflected in the massage. She will touch like a butterfly to soothe the body and soul, or like a cat to scratch you.


Top masseuse - Professional Rigger
Diana is profesional popular rigger. She is famous bonndage artist in Czech. Take the Signature session with her, and your life newer will be the same.

Our Team

Martin Plas, CSB. (Certified Sexological Bodyworker) is the founder and spiritual center and guarantees of the quality of Paragaté studio. He is a professional masseur of classical and tantric massages, and an instructor who has devoted his life to sexological bodywork. He developed the concept of the Paragate massages and has conducted many other projects connected with a personal development through sexuality.

Meet our team of professional masseurs and masseuses: 

We guarantee a professional approach and environment

Our team consists of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers (CSB) and massage therapist, who regularly attend courses of the holistic sensual massages and Sexological bodywork of our Intimate communion school or EASE – European Academy of somatic education.

Our team

Martin, CSB

Founder of the studio, Top masseur
Martin is a well-respected lecturer in sexological bodywork and Tantra, a sex teacher, coach, tantric and erotic masseur. He is the author of several projects in the sexual development of the public, including Paragate massage studio. He is a visionary who enjoys providing people with experiences that enrich their lives. He helps women and men to discover more pleasure and joy in lovemaking, and thereby improve their quality of life. As he says, all he does is about sex, love and open hearts.

Lucie is a well-respected lecturer in sexology body work. She has conducted dozens of women through vaginal mapping and masturbatory coaching, and thereby helping them to remove blocks and explore pleasure. She helped a number of men to overcome erectile dysfunction through sexological bodywork, tantric and erotic massages and taught them how to be better lovers or achieve multiorgasmic states. Together with Martin she teaches massage techniques, orgasmic yoga and conscious lovemaking.


Iveta is fine Kung Fu, Jazz, Doing, and a passionate traveller, playful child as well a mature woman. This diversity is also reflected in the massage. She will touch like a butterfly to soothe the body and soul, or like a cat to scratch you.


I am not afraid to use my delicate femininity, my caress is very gentle and devoted. I am very talkative, I want to know in depth everyone with whom I connect. I love the energy connection. Every massage means a new experience for me, it's the magic I love about it. It's already more than 12 years, that i travel with my tantra art to different Countries, and i decided to make a little bit clarity about what is a real meaning of tantra and what are its benefits for your real daily and intimacy life and relationships.


Sasha is advanced Tantric Dominatrix. She love to play BDSM role and She offer BDSM Sessions and Tantric BDSM massages.

There can be your profile

Junior Masseuse


+420 730 778 023

Junior Masseurs

have shorter massage experience at Studio Paragaté. At this time they are still going through their training and they work with great enthusiasm thanks to their newly discovered enchantment  from the world of intimate massages.


have a minimum of one year experience in the world of intimate massages. They are graduates of tantric courses and regularly participate in courses of the Intimate Communion School. They are enthusiasts for their work and perceive it as part of their long-term personal development.

Top Masseurs

are experts in the area of personal development through sexuality, have longer practice and rich experience with tantric and erotic massages in the Czech Republic and often abroad as well. Most are certified graduates of  training in Sexological Bodywork (CSB). They are not only masseurs but your guides also.


CSB Certified Sexological Bodyworker is a certified teacher in sexuality and intimacy. He helps people to experience their sexuality in a better way. You will learn more about lesson in a section "Erotic Education". 

Femme Fatale

Massage therapists called „mysterious Femme Fatale“ are women who enjoy sensual massages, Tantra and tantric BDSM intimately. Even though they like working in our studio, they keep massages as an intimate joy. 


BDSM massage therapists labelled as BDSM are women who enjoy BDSM practice. Our massage therapists approach BDSM in a tantric way, in which emphasise experience, desire to be submissive, sensuality, pleasure, but punishment too. You can find more in Tantric BDSM massages.

"Jsem zde, abych vám pomohla napojit se na své tělo a probudit váš erotický potenciál."
"Po masáži bude každá vaše buňka naplněna energií."
"Pomoci lidem žít radostný a naplňující život vnímám jako své životní poslaní." Martin Plasje Certifikovanm Sexological Bodyworker - zakladatel Školy intimního splynutí a také studia Paragaté, lektor a garant kvality.
„Masáž vnímám jako skvělou příležitost napojit objevit potenciál potěšení, které vám tělo může dopřát. Já jsem jen průvodcem tohoto zážitku."."
Sasha je sexy temperamentní žena , která ví, co se mužům líbí. Vyžívá se v Tantrických BDSM masážích. Že nevíte, co si pod tím představit? Těšte se na slastnou bolest i orgasmické zážitky, odevzdejte se madam Sashe a již nebudete chtít na normální erotickou masáž.

We Offer

Get to know our philosophy, team and rules or read references and interesting articles about our massages.
The concept of Paragaté holistic sensual massage is unique and combines high-quality classical massage with professional intimate massage and so indulges you with the feeling of the utmost care of our embrace.
Our aim is to teach you to enjoy and develop yourself as an erotic being and to enrich your life beyond sensual pleasure. Learn to be a better lover, discover multiorgasmic states, and enlarge your own potential.

You are still hesitating?

We are looking forward to your visit.