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Massage studio Paragaté

Opening hours:
all days 10 am - 11 pm 
Orders till 9 pm

Jeseniova 123
130 00 Praha 3-Žižkov
Google maps
How to find us:
Tram no. 9, 10, 11, 16 a 29,
stop station Biskupcova
Traffic information

How To Find Us?

Paragaté, a studio of holistic sensual massages, is located in Prague 3 - Zizkov and is easily accessible by public transport, just a few minutes’ walk from Biskupcova, Vozovna Zizkov or Ohrada tram stops.
The nearest metro station is Flora - line "A" or Palmovka - line "B".
If you arrive by car and do not have a parking card for Prague 3 residents, it is possible to use parking in Jeseniova street in the section from the intersection with Na Vapence street (CZK15 / hour on weekdays from 8am to 6pm or free from 6pm to 8am and at weekends). Other parking (under the same circumstances) can be found in Konevova.  The studio bell is labelled MASÁŽE.

We Offer

Our Team

We guarantee a professional approach and environment

Our team consists of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers (CSB) and massage therapist who regularly attend courses of holistic sensual massages and sexological bodywork of our Intimate communion school or EASE – European Academy of somatic education.